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Powering Progress with Expert Energy Consulting

Commercial & Residential

About LEC – Your Trusted Energy Advocate

Located in Laredo, Texas, LEC Laredo Electric Consulting is your premier partner in navigating deregulated energy markets. With over two decades of experience, we specialize in negotiating optimal rates, terms, and products with established retail energy providers. Our mission is to provide you with the best options, freeing you from the complexity of market choices and empowering you to focus on what you do best—running your business

Custom Energy Consulting

At LEC, we offer personalized energy consulting services tailored to your unique business needs. Our team of experts employs a data-driven approach to analyze your current energy usage and design strategies that lead to cost-efficient energy procurement and consumption.

Rate Negotiation

Leverage our industry expertise to secure the best possible rates for your energy needs. We negotiate with top providers on your behalf, ensuring that you receive competitive and fair pricing terms that align with your financial objectives.

Contract Management and Execution

Navigating energy contracts can be complex. Our services extend to meticulous contract management, from initial drafting to final execution, ensuring clarity, compliance, and peace of mind throughout the entire process.

Demystifying Your Energy Bill

Your energy bill can be complex, but understanding it shouldn’t be. At LEC, we break down each component, from TDU delivery charges to consumption costs, ensuring you have the insights needed to make informed decisions. Let us help you navigate through the nuances and find opportunities for savings and efficiency.

  • Trusted & experienced
  • Quality work

Deregulation: Your Opportunity for Better Energy Options

Deregulation means more choice and control over your energy costs. LEC provides a clear understanding of how deregulation can benefit you, offering a variety of plans from fixed-price to index products. We help you grasp the nuances of each option, ensuring the solution you choose aligns perfectly with your specific energy needs.

Explore Your Electricity Plan Options

Fixed Price Plans: Secure your electricity rates and budget with our Fixed Price Plans. Designed for ease and clarity, these plans offer a stable rate for 12 to 60 months, shielding you from rate fluctuations in the market.

Index Products: Our Index Products offer dynamic pricing based on the performance of energy markets, granting you exceptional short-term flexibility to manage your electricity costs in response to market conditions.

Heat Rate Plans: For those seeking a balance between risk and flexibility, our Heat Rate Plans are the perfect choice. They leverage market trends to offer potentially lower average prices over time, giving you the option to switch to a fixed rate during the contract term.

Block and Index Plans: Maximize control over your energy budget with our Block and Index Plans, which combine fixed and index rate advantages. Tailored for businesses with predictable cycles, these plans allow you to fix prices for specific parts of your energy consumption, while the rest tracks the index market. This hybrid approach safeguards critical load blocks from market volatility and avoids unnecessary costs during off-peak periods.


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